Critical Reflection

The main goals that I have set for myself for this module was that I was intent on getting rid of my uneasiness when it comes to speaking in large groups. Throughout the 13 weeks that I have been attending the module, it has given me sufficient opportunities to present and speak in front of an audience. These opportunities gave me the push that I needed to step out of what I am normally used to and grow in terms of my communication skills. While I believe that my communications skills are still lacking, I believe that I have made significant progress when it comes to general presentation skills. There have been many aspects of public speaking and presentation that were taught in the module that could help me to deliver my message more clearly and confidently to an audience, and overall, the goal that I set out to achieve at the start of the module has been largely accomplished. This was observed in the many times that i needed to speak in front of a group in class given the opportunities as well as during the final presentations of the module where we each had to present on our respective research projects, while i do agree that i still had a lot of shortcomings when i was doing said presentations, i still felt that i was much more comfortable speaking as compared to before the module. Other than that, I have also managed to learn a lot about what critical thinking and critical reflections are and how they can be applied to our general lives. Through the various frameworks and guidelines provided in the module, it has given me a relatively clear idea of what critical reflections are, which in essence, is the reflection to look for a way to improve. These skills that I have picked up, can only be retained and further refined through repetition and as these skills apply to all situations as there is always room for improvement I will definitely have more chances to practice and apply these skills.

In our research project the most time consuming and tedious aspect to it was the extensive research that we had done. There were many different sources of information that we took from and as we continued to look for more information the more we realized how lacking we were in terms of the required knowledge or experience we have in order to do the research project. And through this process i learnt that knowledge can be taken in in parts, with the huge amount of information presented to me by research from myself and my teammates i realized that the most efficient way to absorb these information was to split up the information to its relevant parts and process them individually, and then move on to process them as a whole. This was the method that I realized worked for me best when there was an overload of information. However I also noticed that this method might not apply to everyone as although it seemed like the most logical course of action for me it might not be to most people as different people react to situations differently. So then this required a lot of teamwork and sharing of what information we managed to find and helping each other understand everyone's point of view through discussions and meetings. After which, we could only come up with a suitable solution to the problem. In the different parts of the research projects i noticed that my team consisted of members of different strengths and we were able to make use of these strengths respectively. An example of this is the ordering of people to present our project as well as assigning different people to do different things in the write-up and proposal. Overall i feel that this research project was an experience that has helped me to better understand the dynamics with working with others as well as my own learning habits and what works best for me, and these will be what I can take away from this project experience as a whole.


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